SSREE FOUNDATION (SSREE: Social Support- Rehabilitation, Education, & Empowerment) is a non- profitable charitable trust registered under the Indian Trust Act with registration No:397/09. We endeavour to provide holistic support to the poor, the down trodden and the mentally ill. In pursuance of the above goals our activities include providing health care facilities, rehabilitation, financial aid to support the education of the wards of this segment of people.
For Enquiry
+91 9447061332
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Get to Know Our Organization
SSREE concentrated mainly on some important programmes which are the dire need of the target population. The focussed interventions helped to achieve the objectives envisaged by the trust more effectively and beneficial.
Family Support
Women Empowerment
Community Development
Social Empowerment

Our Goal :-
“Our Main Objectives- Working in the fields of Health, Women Empowerment, Education, Family Support, Community Development, Social Empowerment etc..”
Sreeja Suresh
Managing Trustee

Get Involved ?
The SSREE concentrated mainly on some important programmes which are the dire need of the target population. The focused interventions helped to achieve the objectives envisaged by the trust more effectively and beneficial.